To get GoogleAdsense Account is actually quite easy. You simply
to have a website / blog. But since not everyone has a website
then I'll give an example to get an account GoogleAdsense with
using media blog. * I assume you already have a blog. The discussion about making
blog please read the ebook "Blog and GoogleAdsense" which I included in Ebook adsensepemula.
Step 1: Just visit this page,
then you'll be taken GoogleAdsense view the first registration. After that click on
it says "Sign Up Now" then you'll be taken view the first like this:

Fill out all the requirements requested after completion "submit" will display
page "term and conditions" which contains the rules as Adsense publishers, I
encourage you to mengeprint page and read it but for a while
just click the first "I Agree".
Next will come the thank you page from GoogleAdsense and
ask you to verify your registration by email. This is to
ensure that the email you enter is valid and yours. Sample letter
verification notice from Google is like this:
Subject: Google AdSense Email Verification
Hello your_name
Welcome to Google AdSense. In order to verify your email address and
submit your information for review, please click on the link below.
https: / / =*********************
Should this take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it
does not, please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's
address box and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Once you confirm
your email, We'll review your application and email you after your check We
your site for AdSense eligibility. If you're accepted, you'll then be
Able to log in to your account with the email address and password you
submitted with your application.
The Google Team
If interpreted think something like this:
Subject: Google AdSense Email Verification
Hello your_name
Welcome to the program GoogleAdsense. To verify your email address and
enter data you have input, please click the link below:
https: / / =*********************
This goes directly to a confirmation page. If it is not clickable please copy
and paste the entire URL address into your web address broser Kemudain click
"ENTER". Once you confirm your email address we will review your application
and will be emailing you back after we check your site if feasible
for the Adsense program. If you are approved, you can log into your account
by using an email address as the username and passwords that you enter
when registering.
to have a website / blog. But since not everyone has a website
then I'll give an example to get an account GoogleAdsense with
using media blog. * I assume you already have a blog. The discussion about making
blog please read the ebook "Blog and GoogleAdsense" which I included in Ebook adsensepemula.
Step 1: Just visit this page,
then you'll be taken GoogleAdsense view the first registration. After that click on
it says "Sign Up Now" then you'll be taken view the first like this:

Fill out all the requirements requested after completion "submit" will display
page "term and conditions" which contains the rules as Adsense publishers, I
encourage you to mengeprint page and read it but for a while
just click the first "I Agree".
Next will come the thank you page from GoogleAdsense and
ask you to verify your registration by email. This is to
ensure that the email you enter is valid and yours. Sample letter
verification notice from Google is like this:
Subject: Google AdSense Email Verification
Hello your_name
Welcome to Google AdSense. In order to verify your email address and
submit your information for review, please click on the link below.
https: / / =*********************
Should this take you directly to an email confirmation page. If it
does not, please copy and paste the full URL into your web browser's
address box and hit the "Enter" key on your keyboard. Once you confirm
your email, We'll review your application and email you after your check We
your site for AdSense eligibility. If you're accepted, you'll then be
Able to log in to your account with the email address and password you
submitted with your application.
The Google Team
If interpreted think something like this:
Subject: Google AdSense Email Verification
Hello your_name
Welcome to the program GoogleAdsense. To verify your email address and
enter data you have input, please click the link below:
https: / / =*********************
This goes directly to a confirmation page. If it is not clickable please copy
and paste the entire URL address into your web address broser Kemudain click
"ENTER". Once you confirm your email address we will review your application
and will be emailing you back after we check your site if feasible
for the Adsense program. If you are approved, you can log into your account
by using an email address as the username and passwords that you enter
when registering.
Here are some requirements to get a Google Adsense Account,
Your website must NOT contain the following
1. Website / Blog you must be in the languages that are available in a choice
Google Adsense (English, German, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese,
2. Pornography, matters concerning sexual relationships (how-how, services or sales
product / tools / drugs).
3. The words are not polite, sara, an affront to a nation or RAS.
4. Violence.
5. The ways Hacking and Cracking
6. Concerning Narcotic Drugs / Drug
7. MP3, Video, newsgroups, images and software.
8. Casino or Gambling
9. The ads are too much (exaggerated)
10. Illegal activity / which is not allowed
11. Pop Up or displays that can interfere with ads from Google
12. Sales penempak weapons, ammunition, weapons sharp.
13. Sales of liquor / alcohol
14. Sales of cigarettes / product bertembakau
15. Sales of Prescription Drugs by
16. Sell / promote products illegal.
17. Mengadung keyword excessive or repeated both in content and
encoded form.
18. Manipulate web content or structure intuk increase the ranking in Search
(Search Engine)
19. Contains incentives for visitors to click the ads, follow / hold
20. Asking visitors to download a particular program used for your website
could appear.
Google Adsense (English, German, Dutch, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, Chinese,
2. Pornography, matters concerning sexual relationships (how-how, services or sales
product / tools / drugs).
3. The words are not polite, sara, an affront to a nation or RAS.
4. Violence.
5. The ways Hacking and Cracking
6. Concerning Narcotic Drugs / Drug
7. MP3, Video, newsgroups, images and software.
8. Casino or Gambling
9. The ads are too much (exaggerated)
10. Illegal activity / which is not allowed
11. Pop Up or displays that can interfere with ads from Google
12. Sales penempak weapons, ammunition, weapons sharp.
13. Sales of liquor / alcohol
14. Sales of cigarettes / product bertembakau
15. Sales of Prescription Drugs by
16. Sell / promote products illegal.
17. Mengadung keyword excessive or repeated both in content and
encoded form.
18. Manipulate web content or structure intuk increase the ranking in Search
(Search Engine)
19. Contains incentives for visitors to click the ads, follow / hold
20. Asking visitors to download a particular program used for your website
could appear.
Below are some important requirements after you have received:
1. Prohibited put Google ads on blank pages.
2. Google banned advertisements with other ads
such a way that makes visitors confused
and tersaru between ads from Google and are not from
Google. (Update: Google ads may be combined with other ads)
3. Prohibited put Google ads on the page or website
have the exact same content with the page or other website.
4. Prohibited from changing the ad format Google / Google Search / Referral
5. Prohibited clicking on Google ads on your own website.
Google will know this. Click-click is not invalid
will be calculated in the acquisition.
6. Prohibited use software / automated program for
generate clicks on Google ads.
7. Prohibited from making media intermediary when a visitor clicks
Google ad / search Google / Referral button with
The next page that appears according to the standard Google.
8. Prohibited from using traffic exchange is exchange.traffic
A click-exchange programs conducted by members of a
Website traffic exchange that provides services such as: trafficswarm.
Violation of these things (after you are approved as an Adsense Publisher)
may result in your account in the "banned" by Google. But as you
see, the above conditions is not difficult to follow. So do not try to try to violate
above rules. But as a newbie is usually the most widely violated
point no.5, careful GoogleAdsense is very tight for a moment do not lust for
collect $ $ $ it will just make your account on the banned.
2. Google banned advertisements with other ads
such a way that makes visitors confused
and tersaru between ads from Google and are not from
Google. (Update: Google ads may be combined with other ads)
3. Prohibited put Google ads on the page or website
have the exact same content with the page or other website.
4. Prohibited from changing the ad format Google / Google Search / Referral
5. Prohibited clicking on Google ads on your own website.
Google will know this. Click-click is not invalid
will be calculated in the acquisition.
6. Prohibited use software / automated program for
generate clicks on Google ads.
7. Prohibited from making media intermediary when a visitor clicks
Google ad / search Google / Referral button with
The next page that appears according to the standard Google.
8. Prohibited from using traffic exchange is exchange.traffic
A click-exchange programs conducted by members of a
Website traffic exchange that provides services such as: trafficswarm.
Violation of these things (after you are approved as an Adsense Publisher)
may result in your account in the "banned" by Google. But as you
see, the above conditions is not difficult to follow. So do not try to try to violate
above rules. But as a newbie is usually the most widely violated
point no.5, careful GoogleAdsense is very tight for a moment do not lust for
collect $ $ $ it will just make your account on the banned.
Back kependaftaran GoogleAdsense, after at least 1 x 24 hours or a maximum 1
weeks then Google will reply via email to you. If you are approved
then you will get an email as follows:
? Subject: Welcome to Google AdSense
Your Google AdSense application has been approved. Your account is now
activated, and Google ads are being delivered to your pages.
You can log in to your AdSense account at any time, to make changes to
your ad layouts or to view your activity reports.
Make changes to your Google ads:
Log in to your account at https: / /, or
through the application or service from the which you Originally
registered. Select from the available color and layout options to
That select an ad format works best for your web pages.
See the results:
You can see your earnings at any time by checking the online reports in
your account at https: / /
For tips on optimizing your site for AdSense and Increasing your ad
revenue, please visit https: / /
* Once you have accrued $ 50 in AdSense for Content earnings, We'll mail
a Personal Identification Number to the mailing address you provided.
You'll need to enter this PIN into your Account Information page before
cans payment be sent to you. In the meantime, you'll still be Able to
show ads on your web pages, and will of continue to accrue earnings.
* If Google has not yet crawled your site, you May not be Able to see
Relevant ads for A Few hours. May you see public service ads (for the which
you will from not receive any earnings) displayed in the meantime.
* Website publishers, or a third party enlisted by the publisher, may
not, manually or through a robot, generate invalid clicks. Clicking on
ads on your own site will from violate this policy, so please do not click
on the ads for any reason. We monitor all AdSense activity and disable
the account of any publisher violating this policy. For more
information, please review the Google AdSense Terms and Conditions at:
https: / /
For additional questions, We suggest you visit our AdSense Support site
at https: / / If you're Unable to
find an answer to your question on our site, please feel free to email
us at at any time.
Welcome to Google AdSense. We look forward to Helping you Unleash the
full potential of your website.
The Google AdSense Team
Conversely, if your application is rejected then Google will ask you to submit
other websites stating the reasons why you are rejected, for example "your site is
not in supported language "this means your website is not in the language
powered by Google .* requirement no.1